Faculty of Contemporary Studies (FCS)

Controller of Exams


Controller of Examinations is the custodian of scholar’s examination record and provide creditable support to the faculty and scholars in line with the best practices of the world, and extend services to the head quarters in their strategic objectives with continuous improvement and commitment. Controller Examination’s office, being responsible for examination records, takes the responsibility to provide quality service to scholars and faculty in all spheres of examination matters. Along with the other essential functions, it assumes transparency, integrity, secrecy and quality service as its core values. The main functions include conducting examinations, compilation and declaration of results, drawing a list roll of honors, preparation of degree transcripts as well as arranging the convocation. In order to extend promptly overwhelming services, the office of Controller Examinations has orchestrated a vibrant team consisting of Assistant Controller Exams (Secrecy) and Assistant Controller Exams (Conduct) who are dedicated professionals, augmented with customer service skills.



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