The university has a well-stocked library with print and digital resources. It has state of the art library facilities. The print material comprise of 70,000 books and back issues of periodicals, current professional journals, pamphlets, reports, Government publications, and daily newspapers. The digital material forming major part of its resources, are national digital library of Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan with thousands of books and professional journals. Digital Section of the NDU Library is also coming up as a great resource centre, providing access to selected books, periodicals, newspaper articles, NDU publications and links to resources spread world over. The Library maintains newspaper clipping folders in digital form on the subjects of topical interest. Besides, main library, the University has a Fiction Library which comprises books of ladies and children interest. In addition to these colleges have seminar libraries as well.
National War Gaming CentreNational Defence University has developed a state of the art National War Gaming Centre (NWGC) equipped with NATO standard computers assisted war gaming system, Known as Joint Theater Level Simulation System (JTLS). NWGC is also used by the three services for running of war games under different scenarios, which provides a simulated environment for War planning, military operations other then war and disaster management scenarios.
AuditoriumThe auditorium is used for Joint talks and extra curricular activities. It is equipped with state of the art electronic equipment. It has seating capacity of 560.
NS HallThis hall is used by ISSRA for conduct of seminars, international conferences, National Security Workshop; National Media Workshop and for organization of all keystone and pinnacle courses.
National Defence Hall ( ND Hall)Major portion of curricular work of A DIV is done here. This is the venue for lectures, panel discussion/Conclusion Studies and Presentations.
Central Discussion Hall ( CD Hall)Major portion of curricular work of AFW College is done here. This is the venue for lectures, panel discussion/Conclusion Studies and Presentations of War College.
ISSRA HallISSRA uses this hall for in house discussions, local seminars, conferences, post visit briefings and interaction with local think tanks.
Syndicate RoomsSyndicate rooms are also available for use by study groups and exercise syndicates and for syndicate meetings.
LockersA locker duly numbered is allotted to each participant on arrival. This number is used for distribution of assignment etc for the entire duration of the course.
Reproduction Cell/Typing PoolEach college has its own reproduction cell which undertakes printing and publishing work. Participants are not allowed to enter Reproduction Cell and Training Branch; however, they can convey their request to the cell.
Mapping SectionThis section is primarily meant for production of maps, but the draughtsman can also undertake specialized graphic work for participants under arrangements GSO-1 (Training) AFW College.
The Media CentreIt is equipped with modern electronic equipment, provides live coverage of selected curricular and extra curricular activities to the entire campus. Facility is also used during war games.