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MoU Signing Ceremony between Government College University, Lahore and National Defence University, Islamabad held on 4 September, 2024

MoU Signing Ceremony between Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad and National Defence University, Islamabad held on 1 April, 2024

MoU Signing Ceremony between Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad and National Defence University, Islamabad held on 17 April, 2024

MoU Signing Ceremony between University of Management & Technology, Lahore and National Defence University, Islamabad held on 27 Jan, 2023

MoU Signing Ceremony between Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Islamabad and National Defence University, Islamabad held on 16 June, 2023

MoU Signing Ceremony between University of Punjab, Lahore and National Defence University, Islamabad held on 16 June, 2021

MoU Singing Ceremony between National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad and National Defence University, Islamabad held on 15th April, 2021

MoU Singing Ceremony between Air University(AU), Islamabad and National Defence University, Islamabad held on 11th March, 2021

MoU Singing Ceremony between Institute of Regional Studies (IRS), Islamabad and National Defence University, Islamabad held on 09 March, 2021

New technologies have grown more sophisticated and emerging industries have become more high-tech, universities have become more important players in the processes of invention, innovation and commercialization.

Bringing innovations to market has not been the main historical role of university-based researchers. Instead, university researchers quite appropriately concentrate on basic science. But the ultimate aim of scientific research, after all, is to improve the human condition and so aiding the transfer and commercialization of discoveries serves the interests of the inventor and society. “Since the Industrial Revolution, the growth of economies around the world has been driven largely by the pursuit of scientific understanding, the application of engineering solutions, and continual technological innovation”. Ideally, university structures should support all aspects of this process, from invention to innovation, as well as commercialization. Hence office of research Innovation & Commercialization is responsible for facilitating and supporting the discovery and innovation process on their respective campuses.

As universities become more entrepreneurial and look toward technology transfer into non-traditional fields, there is a need for alternative conceptualizations of technology transfer that are more accurate and realistic than the traditional linear model and that are generalizable to the nuances of the university to which they are applied.

Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC), is an initiative by HEC opened in almost all universities in Pakistan. The aim of ORIC is to create a platform for students / teachers / researchers to ensure the impact of research and to sow seeds of entrepreneurship among universities graduates, who would desist from entering the job market and instead become employers.

NDU has established ORIC in December 2018. Since then it has opened many doors to success for students and faculty. It is currently being led by Prof Dr Abdul Jalil who is serving as the Director of ORIC.