Application Procedure for Award of Degree in Absentia
(Before or after Convocation)
The students who successfully complete the degree requirements may apply for award of Degree in absentia before or after the convocations
The candidates who want to obtain the degrees in absentia before or after the convocations shall apply to the President NDU through the respective HoD and Dean of the Faculty for obtaining such degrees in absentia subject to payment of prescribed fee
Normal Fee for degree in absentia is Rs. 1000/-. Students have to submit their applications to the CoE duly signed by respective HoD and Dean FCS along with the copy of clearance certificate (complete in all respects), copy of Matric Cert and receipt of Rs. 1000/- paid to the Finance branch of NDU
Urgent Degrees in Absentia shall be issued within 7 days of application upon payment of urgent fee worth Rs 5000/-. Students have to submit their applications to the CoE duly signed by respective HoD and Dean FCS along with the copy of clearance certificate (complete in all respects) and receipt of Rs. 5000/- paid to the Finance branch of NDU