Capacity Building
In order to develop and strengthen the human and institutional resources, PRSA&IT tries to grab the opportunities of capacity building through attending/participating workshops, seminars, lectures and symposiums that are held inside/outside the NDU. This helps to increase the knowledge, output rate and management skills leading towards the increased efficiency of the organization. Following activities under Capacity Building are being done:
  • Director PRSA&IT attended the Special Senate Session on 5th Aug, 2016 celebrating the Senate Founding Day at Parliament House Islamabad.
  • Director PRSA&IT has attended the Int. Symposium at HEC on 'Technology Entrepreneurship and Incubation' organized by HEC, National ICT R&D Fund and the Center for Entrepreneurial Development IBA Karachi on 19th and 20th Aug, 2016. The Symposium aimed to bring together various local and international academicians, practitioners, policy makers and industry specialists for a dialogue on Entrepreneurship education and eco system, with a focus on Technology Entrepreneurship and Incubation.
  • Director PRSA&IT was invited by Chairman NTC to attend the inaugural Ceremony of establishment of National Data Centre under Ministry of IT and Telecommunication at Marriot Hotel on 24th Aug, 2016. The event provides an opportunity to explore opportunities of internships for NDU Students and promoting NDU presence in Public and Private Sector.